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Are You Struggling With Turning and Just Walking Away?

Until death do us part.

Have you said those words before? Did you mean them? I did back in 1989, and yes, I meant them. We could get through anything. I had always said the one thing I couldn't tolerate was infidelity. I would walk away. It's easy to say the words, but not so easy to turn and walk away. After 20 years of marriage, I was put to the test. I didn't pass; I didn't walk away. My now X, at one point, taunted me with those words and said you always said you wouldn't put up with infidelity - it was like he wanted me to go. I couldn't. I sat in denial and desperation for 2 years - can you relate? Do you know someone who is struggling to walk away? It is so common. But when you think you are being weak - you aren't. You are taking time to build your strength. You will need it. Because that strength will help give you courage, and that courage will bring you on. Determination to stand up, stay strong, and find your voice. Then, you can go through the challenging journey called divorce.

When it was clear and undeniable to me that my marriage was just in a train wreck and my world felt like it had shattered, I google how do I save my marriage?

But two years later, when divorce was unfortunately the only option, it didn't occur." Society tells us to hire a good lawyer, and yes, you do need one to me to Google "how to divorce.

I have learned, educated myself, and understand that there is more to it than that.

What I am about to tell you will sound costly—divorce is already expensive—but hear me out.

It would be best to have a team assist you during divorce. A coach can help you prepare for this emotional journey and understand that this is not just a legal battle.

It would be best to have financial advice from a professional and, yes, an attorney.

I am not an advocate for divorce; I do advocate knowledge and preparation.

Talk to a divorce coach first - they can help you gather information.

A financial advisor CDFA will give you the guidance you need to understand your finances. This will prepare you for when you sit down with your attorney - the goal is to spend less time with your attorney and spend less money on your attorney.

Reach out to me if you need support and or more information.

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