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Rebuilding after your
relationship ends Seminar

Get LIVE COACHING, ON-DEMAND SUPPORT, DIVORCE - Tailored Approaches & Resources

Most Divorce coaches charge anywhere from $997 to $2,497 for this type of value. But I decided to deliver this 10-week seminar that everyone could afford for just a one-time payment of $700.

As someone going through divorce, you've probably found yourself...

  • Caught in a cycle of emotional turmoil, struggling to understand how this happened or where to start again

  • Trying to redefine yourself as an individual rather than as part of a partnership, learning how to recover from this loss of identity

  • Battling feelings of loneliness and isolation especially if friends and social circles were closely tied to your relationship 

  • Stressing about parenting concerns, maintaining a stable environment for the children 

  • Overwhelmed by dividing assets, financial well-being, and navigating the legal process

  • Becoming fearful of the idea of entering new relationships worrying that you will be hurt again or repeat past mistakes

  • Struggling with your self-esteem and self-worth which impacts your confidence in your ability to start fresh.

It's so exhausting, isn't it?

and it can feel so demoralizing...

Or you could, like others in the rebuilding after your relationship ends seminar, follow a proven method designed specifically for your divorce journey 

Here's what happens when you do that:


  • You can learn healthy ways to process and manage emotions and grief 

  • You will explore ways to reestablish a sense of self and purpose outside of your relationship

  • You'll be given resources and access to help you connect with others who understand and can provide support

  • You stop overthinking and start doing, using the advice provided to manage your finances post-divorce and

  • You can ask a community of women just like you and your coach if what you have done is on track 

  • You'll finally have the clarity to rebuild your self-esteem and self-confidence 

  • You break free from the limiting beliefs so that you can empower yourself to navigate the challenges of divorce, heal, and begin to rebuild your lives with newfound resilience and confidence. 

Finally, You can live the life you've always known you were capable of post-divorce - a life of accomplishment, fulfillment, and happiness.

Nanette Murphy typing on a computer preparing the Rebuilding After Your Relationship Ends Seminar materials.

I'll be honest with you...
My divorce journey wasn't easy.

After over 20 years of marriage, infidelity had crept into our relationship. I was devastated. I was approaching 50 and suddenly my life was upside down. I felt lost, alone, angry, upset, and heartbroken.


But I was able to find my footing and realized that I could turn my experience into purpose by helping other women going through divorce. 

Now, as a certified health & life coach, divorce coach, author, speaker, and more- I was able to have a happy ending on my journey of heartbreak. 

From devasted to thriving - I know that you can find your new beginning because I did it and teach others how to do it themselves.


rebuilding after your relationship ends seminar

A 10-week program to help you move through anger, anxiety, sadness, and more.

When you join the Rebuilding After Your Relationship Ends Seminar...

You get everything you need to learn how to love yourself in order to have the ability to build new and meaningful relationships in the future

  • 10-week LIVE program with coach Nanette Murphy working through 19 steps ($5,997 value)

  • 10 LIVE Zoom sessions running 2-2.5 hours long ($3,597 value)

  • Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends Paperback ($35.59 value)

  • The Rebuilding Workbook: Step-by-step Guidance for Healing When Your Relationship Ends ($14.59 value)

  • Membership in the private Steps Towards Divorce & Beyond Group ($157 value)

  • This program runs from October 9, 2023 - December 11, 2023 at 6:00pm EST

Total value $9,794 for only $700

Nanette Murphy looking at the camera

This Seminar is for...

  1. People who are divorcing or divorced after being married for years 

  2. People who have been in a committed relationship for years and find it coming to an end

If you can check on of these boxes, you're in the right place.

Best Value

Rebuilding Seminar



19 Rebuilding Blocks for Healing - From Denial to Freedom

Valid for 10 weeks

Rebuilding When Your Relationship End Paperback

Rebuilding Workbook

10 week membership is private support group

10 session - once a week for 2-2.5 hours

Click here 
to join

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